Food from the perspective of Chinese philosophy

Description of the process of eating

In all cases the rules for serving the dishes (for entertainment) are as follows: The meat cooked on the bones is placed on the left, and the sliced meat on the right; the rice is placed on the left of those seated on the mat, and the stewed meat on their right; the minced and roasted meats are placed outside, and the pickles and sauces inside; the onions and steamed onions are at the end, and the wines and broths on the right. When the slices of dried and seasoned meat are placed, the place where they are piled is turned to the left, and the ends are placed on the right. If the guest is of lower rank (than the host), he must take the rice, rise and refuse (the honor). Then the host rises and objects to the guest's request to retire. After this, the guest takes his place again. When the host leads the guests to the offering, they offer the rice, and then the dishes that were brought first. Beginning with the meat cooked on the bones, all the other dishes are brought. After the rice has been eaten three times, the host invites the guests to take the sliced meat, from which they move on to the other dishes. When the host has not yet moved on to all the dishes, the guest should not rinse his mouth with wine.

Liji, 3.51–56

Do not roll rice into a ball; do not twist various dishes; do not pour out soup. Do not make noise while eating; do not bite bones with your teeth; do not put back the fish you have eaten; do not throw bones to dogs; do not snatch (what you want). Do not scatter rice; do not use chopsticks when eating millet. Do not slurp the broth or add seasonings to it; do not pick your teeth or add sauces. If the guest adds seasonings, the host should apologize for not having cooked the soup properly. If he adds sauces, the host apologizes for his poverty. Soft and juicy meat can be separated with the teeth, but dry pulp cannot…

How Confucius thinks about it

When Confucius left the state of Lu, "he took part in a sacrifice, but afterward he was not given a share of the meat of the sacrificial animal. He left the state without waiting to take off his ceremonial cap. Those who did not understand him thought that he did so because of the meat, but those who understood him realized that he left because Lu did not observe the proper rites."

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