Tongluo Qutong Gao

Improves blood circulation, eliminates blood stagnation, dispels cold and dampness, reduces swelling and relieves pain.

Name of the drug】Tongluo Qutong plaster (通络祛痛膏 Tongluo Qutong Gao)

Compound】Main ingredients: angelica (当归), Sichuan lovage (川芎), safflower (红花), galangal (高良姜), Chinese pepper (花椒), black pepper (胡椒), cloves (丁香), cinnamon (肉桂), long pepper (荜茇), dry ginger (干姜), rhubarb (大黄), camphor (樟脑), borneol (冰片), menthol (薄荷脑). Excipients: rubber (橡胶), rosin (松香), zinc oxide (氧化锌), lanolin (羊毛脂), petrolatum (凡士林), liquid paraffin (液体石蜡), dimethyl sulfoxide (二甲基亚砜).

Characteristics】The drug is a plaster from light yellow to light brown in color with an aromatic odor.

Indications for use】Improves blood circulation (活血), eliminates blood stasis (祛瘀), dispels cold and dampness (散寒除湿), reduces swelling (消肿) and relieves pain (止痛).

Specification】Size: 7cm×10cm

Method of administration and dosage】External application to the affected area, 1-2 patches at a time, once a day. For osteoarthritis of the lumbar and knees, the course of treatment is 15 days. For cervical osteochondrosis (radicular form), apply 2 patches at a time, apply for 12 hours, change the patch once a day, the course of treatment is 21 days.

Side effects】Rare: itching, redness, rash at the site of application, allergic dermatitis. In rare cases, general malaise, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the oral mucosa, rash, shortness of breath, chest tightness, palpitations, abdominal pain, headache, sweating may occur.

Contraindications】Do not apply to damaged skin. Contraindicated in case of allergy to the components of the drug.

Precautionary measures】1. Pregnant women should use with caution. Women during menstruation and lactation should use the drug under the guidance of a doctor. 2. Do not use for more than 12 hours to avoid allergy at the application site. 3. Use with caution in people with allergies to rubber patches and in people with allergic predisposition. 4. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using immediately and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs】When used simultaneously with other drugs, interactions are possible. Check with your doctor or pharmacist for details.

Storage conditions】Store in airtight container.

Package】The drug is packed in composite film bags, 2 patches in each bag.

Best before date】24 months

Standard】Complies with the first part of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020.

Registration number】Z20000065

Date of revision of the instruction】April 6, 2021

Marketing Authorization Holder】Henan Lingrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Address: No.666, General Road, Xinxian, Henan Province, China (河南省信县将军路666号)

Manufacturer】Henan Lingrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Address: No.666, General Road, Xinxian, Henan Province, China Post Code: 465550 Tel: 0376-2988752 Fax: 0376-2983673 Website:

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