Gmail Mail Filter or How to Display All Unread Messages

I once got really tired of seeing the red marker notifying me of unread messages, but those messages were so long ago and remained like weeds in my Google mail.

How to get rid of all unread messages with one request:

  1. If the interface language is Russian, just start typing "unread" or copy and paste the command



Operator "in the basket"


And now together the unread ones in the basket:

in:trash is:unread

Unread messages can only be searched in one folder, for example, you cannot search unread messages in the trash and in the spam folder. You can simply not specify the folder.

You can also add a time operator, for example, let's find all unread emails for January 2018

is:unread before:2018/02/01, after:2018/01/01

Unread from a specific recipient:


From everyone whose email ends in «»

is:unread from:*

You can also do it by name, for example I cleaned myself from spam

is:unread from:vigoda

Using combinations you can satisfy yourself in mail from Gmail more and more

label:bank is:unread before:2017/06/15 from:*

Now the main thing is not to forget how to use it next time!

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