Motoshaolin / Episode 2 / Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk

The second episode is completely different from the first. It differs not only in the cities, but also in the editing.
My voice comments appeared, more drives under the sky in the frame, more new people. Each issue is not like the previous one. More and more new events happen to me, from which we are "insured" in the city.
In this series I was given shelter: in Yekaterinburg by Dasha (@liabr_dasha), in Krasnoyarsk by Vova (@vtsart), in Tyumen thanks to the FASTVPS mailing list I met in an amazing place “Bar with Kitchen TVORChESTVO” (@bar_tvorchestvo), where Mikhail ( treated me to a delicious dinner, and Maria (@maria186mv) to an inspiring walk.
I flew past Omsk and Novosibirsk, perhaps it was also my fault, but despite the fact that the right people did not respond in time, I was able to spend more days in Krasnoyarsk. I hope that on the way back, Novosibirsk will appear in new colors 🙂
As for Krasnoyarsk, there I finally got acquainted with the details of the case and my family, whose roots go back to northern China, which I will be able to tell you more about in the next series (probably) 😀
Also in Yekaterinburg I met Denis (@motobarber) and Andrei (@andrei_maria) who went from Baikal to the South to Sochi.
It seems to me that the third series will also be in a different format. Write what you are missing, based on the voting in the comments I will decide what to include in the release.
Sponsors and partners:
virtual hosting - financial support
Technical partner AVM-Trade is the official distributor of CFMOTO equipment in Russia
Master Shi Yanchen's Kungfu School
Educational center Five with a plus
Equipment provided
China2wheels — Magazine about motorcycles
Media partner in China
Contacts of CFMOTO dealers on the site:
LLC "Delta-Center" Ekaterinburg, Moskovsky tract 9th km, building 2a
"Motocenter Basis72" Tyumen, 11 km of the Ring Road, bldg. 6
Automotive repair center "Antikor-Service" Omsk, st. M. Zhukova, 111+7 (3812) 532 555 anticor-service.rf
Motorcycle salon "OFF ROAD" Novosibirsk, Mochishchenskoe shosse, 2/1