Scholarship 30 thousand rubles. - How to apply?

I often mention that I studied at Beijing Normal University in the Master's program of the Philosophy Department, studying Chinese philosophy for free. The course is taught in English, not Chinese, so anyone can study (meaning no Chinese required).

And it is also interesting that the training is carried out according to a special program, we call it a scholarship. When the University provides the student with housing in a comfortable dormitory, studies at the best university and also pays in rubles about 30,000 rubles per month (that's what the scholarship is). How can you not study hard here?

In general, everything is accessible.

Below you will see a link to the brochure and the text of the letter from the Dean, who asked me to tell you that registration is available for the new 2023 semester. Registration until April 30


I am writing to ask whether it is possible for you to help recommend potential candidates to apply for our Chinese Philosophy degree at Beijing Normal University (BNU) in the spring of 2023. This is Wanzhi LIN, current foreign affairs secretary in the School of Philosophy at BNU.

Our MA program is well-renowned at home and abroad and more introduction about it can be seen in the attached brochure. The application deadline is April 30th, 2023 and more specific information can be found in our BNU admission website: Admission Website of International Students ( .

Our MA program allows students to apply for many scholarships (detailed information can be found in our program's official website: International MA Program in Chinese Philosophy Beijing Normal University (

Welcome to share the brochure and poster with your friends or schoolmates who might be interested in studying Chinese Philosophy at BNU. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Lin Wanzhi   
Foreign Affairs Secretary
School of Philosophy
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, 100875, China
Mobile: (86)13923246796
Email: [email protected]

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