Mantra to boost immunity






Mantra for boosting immunity starts at 3:30

How many times and when

Repeat this mantra 12 times in the morning and 12 times in the evening. It is best to do it 20 minutes before and after sunrise/sunset.

What is the meaning of the mantra

Yogeshwara, who transcended the physical,
Bhuteshvara, one who has mastered the five elements,
Kaleshvara, the one who has mastered time and is beyond it,
Sarveshvara, the one who is everywhere and is the basis of everything,
Salutations to Shambo, the greatest of all the Mahadevas.

Chanting this mantra is a tribute to the five fundamental forms of "Shiva"

Five forms of Shiva


Sadhguru: Being on the path of yoga means that you have reached a stage in your life where you have felt the limitations of the physical body, you have felt the need to go beyond the physical, where you feel trapped even in this vast cosmos. If you can feel the limitation of a small boundary, you can feel the same with a vast boundary. You don’t have to cross the cosmos to experience it. Yoga means to cross the barrier of physical creation. Your effort is not only to master the physicality of existence, but to break its boundaries and touch a dimension which is not physical in nature. You want to unite that which is bounded and that which is boundless. You want to dissolve the boundary in the boundless nature of existence. So, Yogeshwara.


The physical creation—everything we can see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and handle—the body itself, the planet, the universe, the cosmos—is all simply the play of the five elements. With only five ingredients, what a magnificent evil called creation! With only five things, which you can count even with one hand, how many things are created! That is compassion on the part of creation. If there were five million ingredients, you would miss everything.

Mastery of these five elements, known as the pancha bhootas, is everything – your health, your well-being, your power in the world, and your ability to create what you want. Consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unconsciously, individuals achieve some level of control or mastery over these various elements. How much control or mastery they have determines the nature of their body, the nature of their mind, the nature of what they do, how successfully they do it, how far they can see – everything. Bhoota Bhoota Bhuteshvaraya means that one who masters the pancha bhootas determines the destiny of his life, at least in the physical world.


Kala is time. Whether you have mastered the five elements, become one with the infinite, or dissolved, but as long as you are here, time is passing. Mastering time is a different dimension altogether. Kala not only means time, it also means darkness. Time is darkness. Time cannot be light because light travels in time. Light is a slave of time. Light is a phenomenon that has a beginning and an end. Time is not such a phenomenon. In the Hindu way of life, they have a very complex understanding of time as six different dimensions. One thing you should know is that as you sit here, your time is passing. The Tamil expression for death is very good - kalam ayitanga - "his time is up."

In English we also used this expression in the past - "it expired". Like a drug or anything else, a person also comes with an expiration date. You may think that you are going to many places. No, as far as your body is concerned, it goes straight to the grave without deviating for a moment. You can slow it down a little, but it will not change the direction. As you get older, you will gradually see that the Earth is trying to bring you back. Life is completing its turn.

Shiva - Sarveshvara - Shambho

Shiva means 'that which is not; that which dissolves'. That which is not is the basis of everything, and that is the unlimited Sarveshvara. Shambo is just a key, a passage. If you can pronounce it so that your body breaks, that becomes the passage. If you want to master all these aspects and get there, it will take a long time. If you want to accept only a passage, you can transcend these aspects not by mastery but by penetration.

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