How to connect a second router to the first one via cable

Connect the first and second routers with a cable as shown in the picture. The instructions are short and may not be suitable for beginners.

We took it for granted that you already had a router (1) with the Internet configured and by default we consider that DHCP is enabled there then:

  1. Connect the cable from the LAN router (1) to the WAN router (2) see picture (1)
  2. Check that the first router and the second router have different IP addresses and in different subnets.
  3. Note: If the router (1) has the address then the router (2), for example, can have the address What address are we talking about, see the picture (2)

Open the router settings (2) set the connection type Dynamic IP, and make sure DHCP is enabled

2018-07-05 19-45-09 Screenshot.jpg
router (2) address pool. The third digit .1. corresponds to the third digit .1. of the router's address

Everything works!

The main thing now is not to forget until next time.

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