Бесплатное обучение в Китае: полная докторская стипендия май 2020

В октябре прошлого года я уже публиковал запись о подобной возможности, ведь вопрос обучения в Китае до сих пор на слуху. Тот, кто ищет пути обучения без ограничений фантазии, сможет рассмотреть перспективу поехать в Китай.
Учеба в Китае бесплатная — правительство Китая выделяет стипендии на обучение. Ученики, кроме того, что не платят за обучение, так же ежемесячно получают 20-40 тыс. рублей. Большим вопросом всегда остаётся: «Как получить стипендию и как выбрать ВУЗ?»
Несмотря на то, что есть специальные сайты по выбору университета, ниже я хочу опубликовать прямое предложение от учителя из университета Чженчжоу, которое я получил на свою почту. Оно содержит полезную инструкцию о поступлении, а так же имя представителя для связи по всем вопросам. Само наличие письма говорит о том, что универ активно ищет кандидатов.
Используйте на своё усмотрение:
Dear applicants of PhD program with CSC scholarship,
Thank you very much for your email.
I am the person who is in charge of international PG student admission of Zhengzhou University. We are glad to know that you are interested in programs offered by Zhengzhou University. Zhengzhou University is the largest University in China. Each year Zhengzhou University provides millions of US dollars to sponsor hundreds of PhD applicants with full scholarship to pursue their doctor degree in Zhengzhou University.
All PhD candidates will be sponsored by President Scholarship of Zhengzhou University only. All CSC CGS scholarship will only support master candidates. Same as Chinese Government Scholarship, President Scholarship of Zhengzhou University covers tuition, accommodation, and living allowance and etc. We welcome all excellent applicants who is rich in academic publishing to apply for doctor program of Zhengzhou University with this scholarship. This is the only Chinese university with so many scholarship seats. More detailed information about doctor programs and application is available at the website (under construction): http://international.zzu.edu.cn.
The application documents include the following:
1.Passport (should be valid at less one more year);
2.Latest resident permit/visa (for applicant with previous study/work/stay in China);
3.Full CV;
4.Working Certificates of all posts;
5.The degree certificates of all tertiary studies (bachelor and Master); for current student, the certificate of current study, and the master degree certificate should be obtain before registration, otherwise the offer will be withdrew;
6.Transcripts of all tertiary studies (bachelor and Master);
7.The statement of research interest and research proposal.
In general, a statement of research interest should include reasons for undertaking this study at ZZU and future career prospect, while a research proposal should include the background, the objectives and the methodology or approach you propose to take in studying the subject matter. The minimum word limit for the proposal is 2000. Proper referencing is needed in the preparation of research proposals. Applicants are strongly suggested to contact their potential supervisor to discuss the research proposal and instruction language before submission. The result of the plagiarism check will be taken into consideration when the Department, Faculty and Graduate School review the application. The application may be deemed unsuccessful if plagiarized materials are identified.
8.Two academic referee letters. You should invite two academics who are familiar with your academic achievements to write recommendation letters. They should be signed recently with contact email and phone number.
9.Official score report of HSK, TOEFL, IELTS or other language proficiency tests. HSK 5 for CMI and IELTS 6.5 for EMI PhD program.
10.Physical Examination Record with issuing date. It is valid only in 6 months. Please make sure it is still valid when you apply for visa.
11.No Criminal Record Certificate (should be issued by police station only). It is valid only in 6 months. Please make sure it is still valid when you apply for visa.
12.The list of publications and the soft copy of master thesis and best publications.
13.Application form of Zhengzhou University President Scholarship, It is available at : http://international.zzu.edu.cn/uploads/201704/21/H421348497821945.docx
14.Other documents, documentary evidence of academic awards and professional qualifications, and summary of relevant experience.
15.Certified translation version should be attached, if the document is not in Chinese or English.
After the deadline of application, the selection procedure consists of the following stages: Supervisor assessment, Selection within the school, Accepted by university, and Approved by government. If failed in any of the stage, the selection procedure will be ceased, and applicant has no chance to be admitted any more. We hope applicants can pay enough attention on these documents. Your application will be assessed based on these documents. You will be informed about the assessment result as soon as possible.
Please submit your application online: https://zzu.17gz.org/member/login.do, upload all the documents according to the instructions. The deadline is June 15 for September and December 15 for March intake.
Please forget this email if you have already submitted your application for president scholarship online.
Best regards!
Dr. Zhaochun Yin
Director of International Liaison Office,
Associated Professor, School of International Education,
Zhengzhou University,
100 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou,Henan, China 450001
Tel: +86 371 67780102