All flavors Darkside / Darkside base, core

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- APPLECOT - green apple
- ASTRO TEA - tea with lemon
- BANANAPAPA — banana
- BARBERRY GUM — barberry chewing gum
- BARVY CITRUS - citrus mix
- BARVY ORANGE - orange
- BASIL BLAST — basil
- BERGAMONSTR - bergamot
- BLACKBERRY — blackberry
- BLACKCURRANT - black currant
- BLUEBERRY BLAST — blueberry
- BOUNTY HUNTER - Ice Coconut
- CINNAMOON - cinnamon bun
- CODE CHERRY — cherry code, cherry
- COSMO FLOWER — floral
- COSMOS — cosmopolitan cocktail
- CUCUMSTAR - cucumber
- DARK ICECREAM - chocolate ice cream
- DARK MINT - cane mint
- DARK SPIRIT - margarita
- DARKSIDE COOKIE - chocolate chip cookie with banana
- ECLIPSE - Citrus Candies and Honey
- EXTRAGON — tarragon
- FALLING STAR – mango-passion fruit
- FRUITY DUST - exotic fruit
- GLITCH ICE TEA - peach tea
- GONZO CAKE — cheesecake
- GRAPE CORE - grapes
- GREEN BEAM — feijoa
- ICE GRANNY - ice apple
- KALEE GRAPEFRUIT — grapefruit
- LEMONBLAST — lemon
- MANGO LASSI — mango
- NEEDLS — Christmas tree
- NUTZ — nut
- PEAR — pear
- POLAR CREAM — pistachio ice cream
- RED TEA — red tea
- REDBERRY - red currant
- SALBEI — sage
- SAMBUKA SHOT - sambuca
- SKYLIME — lime
- SPACE DESSERT - tiramisu
- SPACE LYCHEE — lychee
- SPICY PEAR - pear with spices
- STRAWBERRY LIGHT — strawberry
- SUPERNOVA - coolness, supernova
- SWEET COMET - cranberry and banana
- TORPEDO - watermelon and melon
- TROPIC RAY — tropical mix
- VIRGIN MELON - melon
- VIRGIN PEACH — peach
- WILDBERRY — berry mix
If there is a repetition/omission, let me know